Thursday, September 1, 2016

Amazing First Week!

I am so tired and full of joy all at the same time. It has truly been a wonderful week making connections with new students! I have been so impressed with the attention, focus, participation, and rich conversations that we have had in classes this week. Here are a few quick shots of some of the learning that has begun.
In these two pictures, students were given one of the test questions to a future assessment. They were asked, "What are the skills and knowledge that you will need to be successful for this problem? you can write down vocabulary that you might need to know, ways to demonstrate your understanding... brainstorm the things that you don't know"

Well, these conversations were fantastic. The 6th grade students were talking and sharing math at a level that truly impressed and inspired me... GREAT WORK!

Additionally, I was super excited this morning when we went to the library to get our first book project books. I absolutely LOVED listening to the excitement that my students were voicing in regards to what they wanted to learn about.

Bottom line, I think this is going to be such a great year!!!

Just a little reminder: This coming week on Wednesday September 7th at 6:00pm I will be staying late and invite any parent who would like to learn about technology and how we are using it in 6th grade. This is totally optional, so don't feel that you need to come if you are comfortable with the technology. You can always make an appointment or send us an email if you have any questions or concerns in the future.... but I do hope to see you there, if you can make it.
This is the official blurb:
Wednesday September 7th Parent Tech Night

Dear 6th grade parents,
You are invited to come and spend a little time learning about the technology being used by your children. Come and see what they are doing and using as well as how you can have access to their digital learning.

Topics to cover:
Google Classroom (Homework Calendar)
Where to find their homework assignments
Parent Portal to see grades (And not go crazy when you see them)
Digital Citizenship Class

Monday, August 29, 2016

Monday August 29th

WOW, we did it! The first day of school is under our belts! I think it went great! I saw so many smiling faces! There were many great questions, some people got a little lost, some were confused, some a little overwhelmed, but all did great! This week we are all learning so much, and we need to remember to take a deep breath, relax, stay happy, and believe that it will all work out in the end.

I am so excited for tomorrow! We will be working on getting ourselves organized, figuring out schedules, and understanding all the expectations. - We will all need naps come Thursday afternoon.

I wanted to make sure I spread the work that ALL STUDENTS and PARENTS really really REALLY need to sign the e-registration for technology. If BOTH the student and parent registration is not signed it will cause students to not be able to use the technology, especially being able to take home their Chromebooks. To get this done, please refer to the letter you received in the mail. It contains your login credentials for your students portal in Powerschool. Follow the directions to CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT to access the important beginning of school year required forms. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Elisabeth Ortiz.